Friday, December 17, 2010

Super Intense Blog

My friend from Wisconsin sent me this blog. It is a really sad story of this Journalism PhD student who taped his sexual encounters with his girlfriends (wihtout consent) and was on trial, possibly could have spent 32 years in prison and would be an official sex offender. You should read it because he is a really good writer.

Also, note to self - never tape sexual encounters with partners without their permissions.

1 comment:

Ezra Fox said...

If anyone's interested in the sentencing, here it is:;jsessionid=BCD7A75F9D32E55D3B1C2D13277B9ED8.render6?countyNo=13&caseNo=2007CF001323&cacheId=7C9D266EF4BDE0ADA489BFBA6F05CC0A&recordCount=14&offset=6&mode=charges